Ultimate Birthday Madness

This logo belongs to Salt (xxsaltandpepperxx).

I’m feeling better today and just in time too! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ One of my favorite events, Monthly Midnight Madness by xxsaltandpepperxx, starts tonight at midnight and I can’t wait for all the madness to start!

The Monthly Midnight Madness is back this month with 30 (15 at midnight / 15 at noon) awesome exclusive free gifts for their birthday round! For those new to MMM, it is a monthly event that starts the second Saturday of each month.

And because it’s the birthday round, a special event will be held as a special celebration. All the previous 2017 exclusive gifts are brought back and will be on sale between $50L-$99L on another SIM. This is the one and only final chance to grab anything missed in the last year along with some items from past participants!

How It Works
MMM is a one-day event that is split up into two rounds. The midnight round and noon round. You do need to join the Monthly Midnight Madness group to participate which is free to join.

  • The midnight round starts at 12am (SLT) Saturday and ends when the 1500 gifts are claimed or when the noon round starts.
  • The noon round starts at 12pm (SLT) Saturday and ends when the 1500 gifts are claimed or until 12am Sunday.

Because of the extremely large amount of traffic during the event, there is a 50K maximum avatar complexity limit. You will be teleported home if you exceed the amount. This year, the rule will be enforced with a new script where the boards will not give you the gift if you have a complexity of 50K or more.

Also, expect most SIMs to be full an hour before the event even starts. Once the event starts all SIMs will likely to be full. If a SIM happens to restart, go down, or a board has stopped working. the group chat will have you covered on updates. Be patient and try again, you’ll get in eventually!

Last Chance & Add-Ons
If you missed out on the exclusive gift and really wanted it, you can purchase it with the Last Chance Vendors at a discounted price ($25L-$50L) which starts on Sunday at midnight. Last Chance Vendors will stop working on Monday at midnight.

Some designers will offer add-ons (additional colors / color fatpacks for the items) at a discounted price for the event. The add-ons are available to be purchased when the event starts. Most designers will have them out before midnight and you can purchase it before the madness starts. The add-ons will return to their full retail price on Monday at midnight.

In-Game Visual Guide
At each participating store, there will be a Monthly Midnight Madness area/section that looks like this:

Monthly Midnight Madness @ Third Eye | This image is a snapshot of the store.

They are usually in front at the entrance. Some may require you to walk from the landing point. Third Eye, for example, lands you in front of the boards.

#1 is the midnight board with the midnight prize. The clock underneath will countdown to midnight. It will display 0/1500 at midnight when the event starts.

#2 is the noon board with the noon prize. The clock underneath it will countdown to noon. It will display 0/1500 at noon when the event starts.

#3 is the add-on that is being offered at a discounted price. The add-on will anywhere next to the boards. Stores with add-on are noted on the Gift Guide page.

#4 is the Last Chance Vendor. The clock underneath it will countdown until midnight Sunday when the vendor will start working.

Tips & Hints to Surviving The Madness

♦ Before the event starts, activate your tag and check out the Gift Guide. Prioritize what gifts you would want.

♦ Wear the kit provided to you in the group notice or make sure you’re under 50K complexity. (I personally go full alpha for the event, it’s a quick drop in and out. no one is looking and it’ll help those around you!)

♦ I can’t begin to say how useful this next one is if you are using a Firestorm Viewer, use the “Show Friends Only” setting to derender those around you. World > Show Friends Only (it’s at the bottom of the tab). It’ll help reduce a huge amount of lag.

♦ Most of the time moving away the landing point is a good thing but with so many avatars, using your camera to cam to the boards is a better option and faster option than pushing your way through.

♦ Others have said to go in after an hour or two after the mass majority has died down to get your gift. It’s usually less laggy and the board responds faster. (I’m too paranoid to do this but the latest I started was an hour and was able to get all the gifts.)

♦ This one is optional, but I usually scope out the stores I want gifts from so I know where the boards are so I don’t have to find it in the middle of the lag madness. (I also landmark the store so I have a beacon when I teleport there later since my memory is so great…)

Monthly Midnight Madness Links
MMM Page | MMM Gift Preview | Ultimate Last Chance Slurl
MMM Group: secondlife:///app/group/a8e9f4f8-8bdd-6828-b732-661aec98e4e2/about

Stay connected and updated with Salt&Pepper on these platforms:
Facebook | Flickr | MarketplacePlurkSalt & Pepper Website [18+ For SL Nudity]


Sharing Is Caring!

It’s always nice to have friends especially when they share the same interests! Friends can be hard to find sometimes but when you do find them, it will last forever! Since I’m so busy with my new kitten, I don’t want you guys to miss out on some amazing freebies & events so I’ll be sharing some of my friends and fellow bloggers pages & websites! These awesome bloggers each have a different style, voice, and quirkiness, so go check them out while I try and find some time for new blog posts.


Fab Free is an amazing blog written by a collaboration of awesome bloggers. This blog is dedicated to everything under $75L including freebies & gachas. Anything free is highlighted in red for your convenience!~


Free To Stay Program!

We all want a place to call home, even if it’s a virtual home in a virtual world! There’s nothing like having your own space to do whatever it is you feel like doing. However, we all know it can get a little pricey in SL. For those on a gold hunting budget like me, can’t earn enough to pay for a decent home.

So I decided to go home searching! I found a shelter which was my temporary home for awhile until I found Girl Town which was a lovely group home for female only! I enjoyed both places very much. They were both very friendly but it wasn’t “my” home…I continued my search and found a program hosted by the nicest people ever!

The program is called “Free To Stay“. It is hosted by a non-profit group called Sambiglyon. The Free To Stay program or FtS for short is a wonderful program. They offer tenants a free 1000 sq m (30x30m) plot of land or a private skybox, a 50 prim object placement allowance, and free media streaming to your land! How awesome is that? In addition to the 50 prim allowance, you have the option to increase your limit by paying $1L for 1 additional prim.Sambiglyon also have homes & houses available to those who can’t afford to buy a home of their own! They also extend their FtS to charities, non-profits, and start up businesses! In order to apply for this program all you have to do is contact them! It’s that simple. As of right now, there is a waiting list but don’t let that stop you from applying! As you wait for a spot, stay at a shelter or a group home. It won’t be your own personal space but it’s still somewhere you can call home!

*Update: The website has changed and the Free to Stay program is no longer listed on the website. Even though it’s not listed, it is still being offered as of July 23, 2017. 

You can visit the website here: Sambiglyon Homepage
You can read their renting and term of services here: Renter TOS Page

The best person to contact to apply for the program is Fleet Goldenberg. He’s very nice and very helpful. You can contact him in-game via IM. You can also contact anyone on the contact page and they will gladly help you get started!

Here are some shelters I found along the way, that you can stay at:

The Shelter – Open To All
Girl Town – Girls Only – No Child Avi

♦ I have not visited these shelter ♦

Dirty Waves HQ & Homeless Shelter & Diavolo Creations Showroom
Women’s Shelter & Homeless Rescue Mission Of SL

If I find any new ones, I’ll be sure to let you know! If you found some shelters or group home that you would like to share or if you own a shelter or group home, feel free to leave the information in the comment and I’ll add it the list! Thank you!