With A Heavy Heart

I have sad news today and I apologize for the sudden announcement. I’ve mentioned it a few times in my past posts that my health has always been a problem for me and has halted my blogging multiple times before.

A few days ago, I received some new that I required a checkup for a previous condition and received the results today. It was brought to my attention that a previous diagnosis has become a bigger problem and will require treatment. In light of this news, my health has taken a turn for the worse. I don’t know how much time I can spare for my blog or when or if I have time for Second Life.

With things as it is, my blog once again will take a seat on the back burner. I want to thank everyone who has read my blog and supported me during the last two months. Especially, Sinfully Sweet’s Ms. Cheyenne and ROA’s Ms. Roxie. You both have put your faith in me and supported me and I can’t ever thank you enough.

I will be wrapping everything up and finishing up posts with items given to me. Thank you so much, everyone, for everything. With 1500 view reached (1000 was the milestone I was hoping to reach next after the 500), I am humbly grateful and with a heavy heart, farewell for now! Much love to everyone and please take care of your health!

Sincerely Grateful,


Excuse Me While I Update!

Hi everyone! For the next couple days, I’ll be updating the way my blog looks and changing some things around so if you see something weird or out of place, please excuse the mess.

When I made my blog back in 2015, I didn’t put much of myself in it. I choose a template and went with it. Now that I’m working on my blog more often, I want to update it to match my personality and style.

I’ll be putting my rusty graphic design skills into action to bring you guys a new look! Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Everything is pretty much done! I was going to try for a new theme but, the choices were limited and none of them fit what I wanted. So I stuck with my old theme and just spiced things up. If any new changes happen, you can find them here!

Updates / Changelog

♦ Background color changed to lavender.
♦ Header image has been changed to a custom image.
♦ Contact button changed to clickable letters.
♦ New profile photo to match the theme.
♦ New font for both headers and body.
♦ Tab/Site icon is now just an M.

♦ Added a Disclaimer Page under FAQs & Policies.

♦ Changed “Blogger For” to “Sponsors”.
♦ Added an About My Sponsors page.
♦ Removed contact forms on “Contact Me” and “About My Blog”.


Thank you so much!

I do not own the original rose photo!

I don’t know if you guys noticed but on the side of my blog there was a little snippet right above my photo saying “Megitsune hopes she can reach 500 viewers one day.” Well, that day has come and I just wanted to take a moment and say “thank you” to everyone who has made this milestone come true!

It might not seem like a big feat or a grand achievement to some but it really is a big deal for me! I started this blog back in 2015, with no expectations of any readers or followers. And that was okay because that wasn’t what I aimed for (and still isn’t). I just simply wish to share my adventure and the awesome free items I found in Second Life with anyone who is willing to take a minute to read my posts.

Of course, things didn’t work out as I planned and my blog was ultimately put on hold. I came back in December 2017 and started working on my blog again. With the new year, I was given two wonderful opportunities to work with Sinfully Sweet & ROA as you may have noticed! Thank you, Cheyenne and Roxie, for supporting and believing in me!

And then, yesterday Fab Free’s Love Trill was so kind to reblog one of my posts! A feat that I would never imagine would ever happen. Her words simply made the little girl inside me glimmer with pride as if I was being praised by my mother (and my mother doesn’t praise very often either!). The quote below was taken from Love’s reblog on Fab Free which can be viewed here if you’d like!

Good morning FabFree Readers! This is not a common occurrence on FabFree that we show other bloggers posts, but I came across Megitsune’s photo in the FabFree Flickr Pool of her wearing the FabFree group gift by Monomania and was so excited to share with you how she styled it in a fun retro chicken fried way! Thank you for supporting FabFree, Megitsune!

With everything that has happened, I really can’t thank everyone enough! Even though reaching more viewers and followers isn’t what I strive for, I do hope that what I post and share gets passed along to others so we all can enjoy the wonderful things Second Life has to offer.

Again, thank you so much for helping me reach 500 viewers and for all your support! You guys are awesome! ♥


Rock of Ages Fashion


Photo belongs to Ms. Rocks Clary.

This year is going off to a great start! Being a blogger has always been a dream of mine and due to some unforeseen real-life events has really halted my dream. However, this year has shown to be very eventful and is progressing in a way that I hope will continue.

Rocks Clary, the owner of Rock of Ages also know as ROA, has graciously given me the opportunity to blog for her brand and of course, I said yes! ROA is a brand that creates a variety of women clothing for both standard avatars and mesh bodies. From classy to sexy, there’s a bit of something for everyone! A stunning example could be found in my showcase post of a free hunt gift by ROA.

I look forward to working with Ms. Rocks Clary and sharing with you guys everything she has to offer. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, Roxanne!

Slurl: ROA Mainstore

Stay connected & updated with Ms. Rocks Clary on these platforms:
Facebook | Marketplace Store